We Need Your Help
John Doe
Nam id urna psum
John Doe
Nam id urna psum
Tuesday, 19. November 2024 16:00
In the discussion about an opening of research at DESY for military purposes, the employees of DESY have not yet been asked.
Science4Peace@DESY invites you to an exchange of opinions, on
Tuesday, 19. Nov, 16:00 in CSSB lecture hall
(also via ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81760366816 )
We would like to offer all DESY employees the opportunity to openly express their opinion on this topic.
- short introduction - status report (5 min)
- Expression of opinion in German (50 min)
- Expression of opinion in English (50 min)
- Summary
Science4Peace@DESY has launched a signature campaign against the opening of civilian research institutions to military projects,
If many sign, we send a signal against militarization.
We Need Your Help
John Doe
Nam id urna psum
John Doe
Nam id urna psum